Dive medicals Brisbane are performed to assess prospective diver’s medical and physical suitability to operating in an underwater environment with diving equipment and procedures. Sometimes a diver will have to sign a waiver that they do not suffer from any medical related problems. However, it is more common for prospective divers to obtain medical clearance from a qualified medical doctor. Medical fitness to dive refers to the fact that the diver has no known medical conditions that will affect their safety when diving. The medical will focus primarily on cardiac, pulmonary and neurological conditions that put the diver at risk.
In terms of the statistics 1 in 430,000 dives in Queensland results in a fatality. Nationally 1 in 120,000 dives results in a fatality. The low fatality rate in Queensland is mostly due to the strict adherence to safety standards including dive medicals Brisbane.
Testing Procedures
Lung Function Tests. The most common test for lung function is spirometry which will measure the amount (i.e., volume) and speed of air flow that be inhaled and exhaled. The test will also help to determine whether the person may have asthma, cystic fibrosis, all of which are restrictions for diving.
Cardiac Function Tests. Done with heart stimulation through some form of cardiovascular exercise. For example, riding a bike or running on a treadmill. It provides the doctor a good estimate of physical fitness and person’s ability to recover from strenuous exercise.
The Dive Medical Questionnaire. Comprises a series of questions that will determine whether you have, or are suffering from a range of conditions and any medications you are taking. If you fail the questionnaire then you will be referred to a qualified doctor to perform a dive medical that conforms with the AS4005-1 Australian Standard. Essentially the assessment weights up the pros and cons of diving considering your medical condition.
Disqualifying Conditions
Epilepsy. In the case where it is required to be managed through use of medication.
Heart Bypass Surgery
Asthma. For asthmatic divers, the concern is that hyperventilation may increase risk of pulmonary barotrauma or an acute asthma attack which may lead to death. However, there are situations in which people suffering from asthma will be allowed to dive. This is the most common reason why prospective divers are rendered medically unfit. Asthma increases the risk of death 10-20 times for divers in Australia.
Diabetes. The concern is that diabetes increases the risk of sudden death due to coronary artery disease. Diabetic divers are advised not to dive any deeper than 30msw and to dive for no longer than 1 hour to limit the amount of time blood glucose levels remain unmonitored. It is also recommended that they dive with someone who is aware of their condition and knows what to do in the case of a diabetic emergency.
Pregnancy. It is generally recommended that pregnant women should refrain from diving while pregnant
Serious lung or chest disease.
- Temporary Risks
- Breathing issues
- Repeated medical migraines
- Clinically obese
- Hernia
- Ulcers
- High blood pressure
- Sinus surgery
- Drug use or alcohol problems
- Over the age of 45 and unhealthy
- Ear disease
- Past dive accidents
- Motion sickness
- Low level of fitness
- Mental problems
For more information on Scuba diving medicals click here: http://ubuntumedical.com.au/dive-medicals-brisbane/